Learning ancient languages helps cultivate attention to detail, memory, logic, and critical reasoning.
Students learn to analyze ancient prose and poetry through a variety of literary and linguistic techniques, improving their ability to read, write, and think critically.
Latin students examine the language, culture, and ideas of some of the earliest architects of Western civilization and consider their influence on modern language, culture, literature, and philosophy. Maret's Latin courses elicit an appreciation of the subtlety and power of language. Ancient Greek is offered through Maret's Malone Schools Online Network (MSON) program. You can read more about Maret's Latin classes in our curriculum guide.
Course Sequence
Classics instruction begins in Middle School with Latin 7 and Latin 8. In upper school, students can take Intermediate Latin: Heroes and History; Advanced Latin: Rhetoric and Epic Literature; and Lovers, Warriors, and Poets, as well as Thinkers of the Ancient and Mediterranean.
Students wishing to continue their classics study can take Ancient Greek and Advanced Latin Literature through the Malone Schools Online Network (MSON).