French Proficiency Indicators
The proficiency indicators detailed for each language course measure what a student can do with language in real-world situations, in a spontaneous and non-rehearsed context, no matter where, when, or how the language was acquired.
We these indicators for French language learners to determine the appropriate placement of a student into Maret's language program and to track the progress of a student over time along a predetermined scale. The indicators are based on the Global Can-Do Benchmarks of the National Council of State Supervisors and the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Language.
Middle School
French 6th Grade
Upper School
French 3
- Interpersonal Communication
- Presentational Speaking
- Presentational Writing
- Interpretive Listening
- Interpretive Reading
Interpersonal Communication
I can participate in conversations about familiar topics that go beyond my everyday life. I can talk in an organized way and with some detail about events and experiences in various time frames. I can describe people, places, and things in an organized way and with some detail. I can handle a familiar situation with an unexpected complication.
Presentational Speaking
Presentational Writing
Interpretive Listening
I can understand the main idea and some supporting details in organized speech on a variety of topics of personal and general interest. I can follow stories and descriptions of some length and in various time frames. I can understand information presented in a variety of genres on familiar topics, even when something unexpected is expressed.
Interpretive Reading
French 4
- Interpersonal Communication
- Presentational Speaking
- Presentational Writing
- Interpretive Listening
- Interpretive Reading
Interpersonal Communication
I can express myself fully not only on familiar topics but also on some concrete social, academic, and professional topics. I can talk in detail and in an organized way about events and experiences in various time frames. I can confidently handle routine situations with an unexpected complication. I can share my point of view in discussions on some complex issues.
Presentational Speaking
Presentational Writing
Interpretive Listening
I can understand the main idea and most supporting details on a variety of topics of personal and general interest, as well as some topics of professional interest. I can follow stories and descriptions of some length and in various time frames. I can understand information presented in most genres, even when not familiar with the topic.
Interpretive Reading
I can understand the main idea and most supporting details in texts on a variety of topics of personal and general interest, as well as some professional topics. I can follow stories and descriptions of considerable length and in various time frames. I can understand texts written in a variety of genres, even when I am unfamiliar with the topic.
Advanced French Grammar
- Interpersonal Communication
- Presentational Speaking
- Presentational Writing
- Interpretive Listening
- Interpretive Reading
Interpersonal Communication
I can express myself fully not only on familiar topics but also on some concrete social, academic, and professional topics. I can talk in detail and in an organized way about events and experiences in various time frames. I can confidently handle routine situations with an unexpected complication. I can share my point of view in discussions on some complex issues.
I can express myself freely and spontaneously, and for the most part accurately, on concrete topics and on most complex issues. I can usually support my opinion and develop hypotheses on topics of particular interest or personal expertise.
Presentational Speaking
I can deliver well-organized presentations on concrete social, academic, and professional topics. I can present detailed information about events and experiences in various time frames.
I can deliver detailed presentations, usually with accuracy, clarity, and precision, on a variety of topics and issues related to community interests and some special fields of expertise.
Presentational Writing
I can write on a wide variety of academic, professional, and general interest topics. I can write well-organized, detailed paragraphs in various time frames.
I can write extensively with significant precision and detail on a variety of topics, most complex issues, and some special fields of expertise.
Interpretive Listening
I can understand the main idea and most supporting details on a variety of topics of personal and general interest, as well as some topics of professional interest. I can follow stories and descriptions of some length and in various time frames. I can understand information presented in most genres, even when not familiar with the topic.
I can easily follow narrative, informational, and descriptive speech. I can understand discussions on most topics that deal with special interests, unfamiliar situations, and abstract concepts. I can sometimes follow extended arguments and different points of view.
Interpretive Reading
I can understand the main idea and most supporting details in texts on a variety of topics of personal and general interest, as well as some professional topics. I can follow stories and descriptions of considerable length and in various time frames. I can understand texts written in a variety of genres, even when I am unfamiliar with the topic.
I can easily follow narrative, informational, and descriptive texts. I can understand what I read on most topics that deal with special interests, unfamiliar situations, and abstract concepts. I can sometimes understand extended arguments and different points of view.
Francophone Cultures
French Literature
- Interpersonal Communication
- Presentational Speaking
- Presentational Writing
- Interpretive Listening
- Interpretive Reading
Interpersonal Communication
I can express myself freely and spontaneously, and for the most part accurately, on concrete topics and on most complex issues. I can usually support my opinion and develop hypotheses on topics of particular interest or personal expertise.
I can communicate with ease, accuracy, and fluency. I can participate fully and effectively in discussions on a variety of topics in formal and informal settings. I can discuss at length complex issues by structuring arguments and developing hypotheses.
Presentational Speaking
I can deliver detailed presentations, usually with accuracy, clarity, and precision, on a variety of topics and issues related to community interests and some special fields of expertise.
I can deliver detailed presentations with accuracy, clarity, and precision to a wide variety of audiences on topics and issues ranging from broad general interests to areas of specialized expertise.
Presentational Writing
I can write extensively with significant precision and detail on a variety of topics, most complex issues, and some special fields of expertise.
I can write about complex and abstract issues ranging from topics of broad general interests to areas of specialized expertise using standard structure, lexicon, and writing protocols.
Interpretive Listening
I can easily follow narrative, informational, and descriptive speech. I can understand discussions on most topics that deal with special interests, unfamiliar situations, and abstract concepts. I can sometimes follow extended arguments and different points of view.
I can follow a wide range of academic and professional discourse on abstract and specialized topics. I can understand all standard dialects. I can sometimes infer complex meaning that requires deep understanding of the culture.
Interpretive Reading
I can easily follow narrative, informational, and descriptive texts. I can understand what I read on most topics that deal with special interests, unfamiliar situations, and abstract concepts. I can sometimes understand extended arguments and different points of view.
I can follow academic, professional, and literary texts on a wide range of both familiar and unfamiliar subjects. I can sometimes infer complex meaning that requires analysis and deep understanding of the culture.
French 7th Grade
- Interpersonal Communication
- Presentational Speaking
- Presentational Writing
- Interpretive Listening
- Interpretive Reading
Interpersonal Communication
I can communicate and exchange information about familiar topics using phrases and simple sentences, sometimes supported by memorized language. I can usually handle short social interactions in everyday situations by asking and answering simple questions.
I can participate in conversations on a number of familiar topics using simple sentences. I can handle short social interactions in everyday situations by asking and answering simple questions.
Presentational Speaking
Presentational Writing
Interpretive Listening
I can often understand words, phrases, and simple sentences related to everyday life. I can recognize pieces of information and sometimes understand the main topic of what is being said.
I can understand the main idea in short, simple messages and presentations on familiar topics. I can understand the main idea of simple conversations that I overhear.
Interpretive Reading
French 8th Grade
- Interpersonal Communication
- Presentational Speaking
- Presentational Writing
- Interpretive Listening
- Interpretive Reading
Interpersonal Communication
I can participate in conversations on familiar topics using sentences and series of sentences. I can handle short social interactions in everyday situations by asking and answering a variety of questions. I can usually say what I want to say about myself and my everyday life.
I can participate with ease and confidence in conversations on familiar topics. I can usually talk about events and experiences in various time frames. I can usually describe people, places, and things. I can handle social interactions in everyday situations, sometimes even when there is an unexpected complication.
Presentational Speaking
I can make presentations on a wide variety of familiar topics using connected sentences.
I can make presentations in a generally organized way on school, work, and community topics, and on topics I have researched. I can make presentations on some events and experiences in various time frames.
Presentational Writing
Interpretive Listening
I can understand the main idea in messages and presentations on a variety of topics related to everyday life and personal interests and studies. I can understand the main idea in conversations that I overhear.
I can easily understand the main idea in messages and presentations on a variety of topics related to everyday life and personal interests and studies. I can usually understand a few details of what I overhear in conversations, even when something unexpected is expressed. I can sometimes follow what I hear about events and experiences in various time frames.
Interpretive Reading
I can understand the main idea of texts related to everyday life and personal interests or studies.
I can easily understand the main idea of texts related to everyday life, personal interests, and studies. I can sometimes follow stories and descriptions about events and experiences in various time frames.