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Tours and Events

The best way to get to know Maret is by meeting our faculty, coaches, and students. We hope you'll join us for a tour, information session, or special event. Come find out why we are a top private school in DC!

Important Dates & Deadlines

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Campus Tours & Virtual Information Sessions

Maret strongly encourages all families to attend an in-person tour OR a virtual information session before applying. Please choose one or the other. Tours and virtual information sessions can be scheduled through Ravenna.


Campus tours are a great way to get to know Maret. During these small group events, you’ll be led around Maret by an admission representative and current student (when possible) while you visit classes, have your questions answered, and get a better sense of what makes Maret, Maret! Tours start in the fall and run through December. They can be scheduled through your Ravenna portal.

line drawing of computer screen with person and speech bubble

We understand that not everyone can visit campus, so we also offer virtual information sessions. These are open to any and all families. An admission officer will lead the session on Zoom, show images of the campus, classes, and activities, and explain the program and philosophy of the school. A current Maret student will join the information session whenever possible to help answer questions. Information sessions can be scheduled through your Ravenna portal, and a Zoom link will be sent to registrants prior to the event.

Come get to know Maret by meeting our faculty, coaches, parents/guardians, and students. We hope you'll join us for our annual open house! If you missed our open house, you can still schedule a visit through the Ravenna application portal.