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Who will use the new athletic facilities?
The proposed multi-sport field and baseball diamond will be used primarily by Maret students for athletic practices and games. Given that athletic field space is in short supply in the city, Maret would also like to make the space available to other DC-based youth athletic organizations that need greater access to quality fields. The Episcopal Center for Children (ECC ) and neighbors will also enjoy access to the field and diamond.
What hours will the field be used? Will there be lights?
The multi-sport field and baseball diamond will not be lit so use will be limited to daytime hours. Maret’s Upper School athletic teams will use the facilities for fall and spring practices, which generally occur on weekday afternoons, and games, which occur weekday afternoons and some Saturdays. The facilities will also be used by Maret teams during the day for two to three weeks before Labor Day for pre-season practices.
As has been discussed with members of the community, Maret feels strongly about sharing use of the field with a limited number of DC-based youth organizations to help address the need for more athletic field space within the District. In response to feedback received from several members of the community regarding the hours and days that the facility would be available to these groups, Maret is currently reviewing the proposed non-Maret usage information included in the BZA application. Discussions with neighbors on this important topic will continue over the coming weeks.
What is the timeline of the project review process?
The anticipated timeline for the project review and approval process includes the following key milestones:
- September 27, 2021: Preliminary presentation at ANC3/4G meeting to share the Maret proposal and exchange ideas with members of the community
- October 2021 through Spring 2022: Community engagement and collaboration including the following opportunities for stakeholder input and feedback:
- Ongoing discussions with individual neighbors and ANC Commissioners
- Small group gatherings for adjacent neighborhood groups (November 1-4, 2021)
- Community information and listening sessions (November 16, 2021 and additional dates through BZA hearing)
- Community site visits (November 2021 through BZA hearing)
- November 1, 2021: Submit application to the District’s Board of Zoning Adjustment (BZA)
- January 2022: Public Space Committee meeting (anticipated)
- January and/or February 2022: Pre-hearing presentation at ANC3/4G meeting to review any updates to the proposal and respond to questions from Commissioners and members of the community; anticipated vote by ANC3/4G
- January 2022: Submit Comprehensive Transportation Review (CTR)
- March 9, 2022: BZA Public Hearing
If the BZA approves Maret’s plans, what are the next steps?
- Spring 2022: Prepare heritage trees for relocation
- Spring/Summer 2022: Begin soil movement and grading
- Summer/Fall 2022: Relocate heritage trees
- Fall/Winter 2022: Complete soil movement and grading
- Winter 2023: Begin construction on field surfaces and renovation of existing building
- Spring/Summer 2023: Complete construction
What kind of traffic study will Maret perform?
Consistent with similar zoning applications in the District, Maret’s transportation consultant will perform a Comprehensive Transportation Review (CTR) study, developed in accordance with DDOT’s guidelines, in conjunction with the proposal. The purpose of the study is to determine any transportation-related impacts associated with the project and identify necessary improvements to mitigate those impacts. The CTR is currently being developed and, consistent with District regulations, will be submitted to DDOT at least 45 days prior to the BZA hearing. Maret will share the CTR with the ANC and members of the community once it is finalized.
How does Maret propose to manage stormwater runoff?
Currently, the property includes no stormwater management infrastructure. Members of the design team met with adjacent property owners on 28th Street to gain an understanding of the issues that the property owners have experienced with respect to stormwater flowing onto their properties. Accordingly, Maret has designed the athletic facilities to mitigate stormwater runoff and improve the current stormwater runoff conditions.
The proposed turf system will be constructed on both the baseball diamond and the multi-purpose field to facilitate the infiltration of water into the soil, thus creating a pervious surface consistent with Subtitle C, § 502.1(b). This system provides for both retention and detention of stormwater.
Maret will coordinate its stormwater management plan with the District’s Department of Energy & Environment (DOEE) and will comply with all relevant DDOE stormwater management regulations enumerated in Chapter 5 of Title 21 of the District of Columbia Municipal Regulations and will satisfy the requirements of the District’s Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (“MS4”) permit issued by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency under the Clean Water Act.
How would safeguards against water damage and erosion be applied and enforced?
Maret’s BZA application includes a preliminary design concept for collecting and managing stormwater. The stormwater management system will be engineered to the specific conditions of the site and is subject to the review and approval of the DC Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE) to ensure that the plan will meet the needs of the site and the stringent regulations of the District. In addition, a maintenance covenant for the stormwater management system will be signed and recorded. Lastly, DOEE maintains the right to inspect the site and stormwater management system to ensure compliance with the regulations and conformance to the final approved system.