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Alumni Association

Welcome to the Maret Alumni Association! This is the place to learn about how you can reconnect with your alma mater, your friends, and the wider Maret community.

Regional Events 2024-25 | NYC, Boston, and Chicago

Join Maret alumni, past parents, former faculty, grandparents, and friends as Maret faculty members hit the road to visit your neck of the woods. Visit your city’s event page to RSVP today!

Maret Coming Your Way NYC November 19
Maret Coming Your Way Boston February 20
Maret Coming Your Way Chicago

Head's Reception for Alumni and Parents of Alumni
January 9, 2025

Maret's 2024 Distinguished Alumni

2024 Maret Distinguished Alumni Award winner Phoebe Aron '09

Dr. Phoebe Aron '09

2024 Maret Distinguished Alumni Award winner Rinad Beidas '99

Dr. Rinad Beidas '99

The Distinguished Alumni Award was created by the Maret Alumni Council in 2011 to celebrate the incredible accomplishments of our former students.

This award shares with the entire Maret community, especially our current students, the noteworthy achievements of our alumni. The Award Committee selects alumni who, true to our mission, are taking an active role in improving the world and are making significant contributions in the arts, sciences, medicine, business, government, academia, or service to humanity. Through this award, Maret seeks to recognize outstanding leadership and accomplishments at the local, national, or global level. Service, generosity, innovation, connectedness, and leadership are embodied by this year’s recipients, Dr. Phoebe Aron ’09 and Dr. Rinad Beidas ’99.

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    Spotlight on Alumni

    Alum teacher and student smiling at each other

    Alumni Inspire a New Generation of Frogs

    As the school year began, a new faculty face on campus was not actually new at all. Lucy Braddock ’18 (pictured above) is Maret's most recent alumni addition to the teaching faculty. A member of Maret's coaching staff since 2021 and a substitute in the Performing Arts Department last year, Lucy joined the World Languages Department as a full-time Latin teacher in August.

    She is one of 14 alumni serving as teachers, coaches, and non-teaching faculty at Maret: Chris Caiola Appleby ’80, Carolyn Bottelier ’09, Marta Del Cid ’11, Lynn Farquhar ’17, Jake Genachowski '10, Mike Hammond '03, Carlotta Hester ’86, Joanna Lutzker Hughes ’00, Kate Odom ’19, Aaron Pray ’17, Dylan Reffe ’09, Rhett Rezendes ’18, and Dana Tignor ’99. This strong alumni presence is a testament to the deep bonds and lasting dedication of Maret alumni as they return to inspire and guide new generations of Forever Frogs.

    SIGN UP!

    Movie Marquee Art

    Back for its 8th Year!

    Now through April 2025.

    Join former Maret teacher, Leonard King, for this free evening film class. All discussions are held 7:00–9:00 PM EST on Zoom. A schedule of movies and class times can be found below. Register now to attend any of the classes.


    The Power of Community | Maret Alumni Fund

    Volunteer to help make this year’s Alumni Fund a success. Outreach is simple and provides an opportunity to reconnect with old friends. Volunteer roles can mean a commitment of as little as one hour of outreach per year! Just like your actual gifts to the Alumni Fund, any amount you have to give helps! Sign up here.


    Update Your Information

    To get school news, event announcements, and other communications from Maret, make sure we have your up-to-date contact information!

    Update Your Information Now

    Fall 2022 Maret Magazine Cover

    Thank you for being the heart of the Maret Magazine with amazing updates from all around the world and just around the corner.

    Read the Spring 2023 Issue & Class Notes

    Submit Class Notes

    We love learning about what you've been up to, where you are, what's on your mind, or even just seeing your smiling face! Submissions are published in the Maret Magazine. See guidelines below:
    • Please limit entries to 400 words. Longer entries are fun and always interesting but get complicated for magazine design.
    • Photos are greatly appreciated and enjoyed by all. Please provide high resolution images. (Photos pulled from Facebook or other share sites are usually low resolution. Photos sent directly from your phone in the “original” or “large” sizes are high resolution.)
    • If you mention alumni friends, please include their class years.
    • We love news about babies! But we don't print news about them until they have been born. Send birth notices by April for the spring magazine and July for the fall magazine.

    Send Us Your News Today!

    Questions? Email Dana Tignor, Director of Alumni Giving & Programs

    Alumni Career Panels: March 8, 2024

    Maret alumni from far and wide volunteered as panelists for the 2024 Alumni Career Panels. Teacher-moderators interviewed alumni on their professional and personal journeys since their days as students. This year, over 300 upper school students chose from a selection of 23 different industry-focused topics from machines and robotics to creatives and philanthropy. Students were able to each attend two different panels. Thank you to our dedicated and generous core of alumni volunteers who come together and make this program such a tremendous success and opportunity for our students and community.

    We hope you'll stay in touch. Here are some ways to stay connected! 

    Get Involved

    Contact Director of Alumni Giving and Programs Dana Tignor for more information.

    Alumni Council 2024-25

    Ron Allen ’06

    Camilla David ’63 and Christina Kalaviritinos '72
    1960s & 1970s Decade VP

    Marissa Griffith '86
    1980s Decade VP

    RaLee Cook ’91
    1990s Decade VP

    Chris McCloskey ’04
    2000’s Decade VP

    Courtney Bolden ’13
    2010s Decade VP

    Avonda Fogan ’12
    Alumni Fund Chair
    Randolph Adams ‘95
    Cyrus Beschloss ’15
    Abby Bonder Bluestone ’99
    Courtney Bolden ’13
    Kristin Burka ’85
    Ben Butler ’10
    Alexander DeLeon ’06
    Miles Fawcett ’88
    Channing Foster ’11
    Stephen Hayes ’06
    Masako Ikegami ’01
    William Leibner ’06
    Ingrid Lund ’96
    Kendra Mitchell ’08
    Anna Pietrantonio ’10
    Drew Reid ’13
    Becca Rutkoff ’03
    Alexis Serfaty ’98
    Sarah Sloan ’07
    Justin Wasfy ’01
    Tia Watkins ’11
    Sasha Zients ’13
    Maret alumni council president Ron Allen

    Ron Allen '06
    Alumni Council President

    Dana Tignor ’99
    Director of Alumni Giving and Programs

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