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Fête Champêtre

The Fête Champêtre is our school’s oldest tradition—an annual community-wide fair in May.

Join us for games, live entertainment, food, vendors, and fun galore!
Come with friends and family—this is a "rain or shine" event.

Saturday, May 18, 2024
11:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Front Lawn

This year’s Fête Chairs are Ana Greenstein, Praveen Madhiraju, Meg Poole, and Julie Wilson.


We are looking for volunteers to make the Fête fun-filled, festive success! Be sure to sign up for the appropriate grade. If you have an Upper School student who needs volunteer service hours, please use the Upper School Community Service sign-up form.


We are accepting applications for vendors of all kinds. Whether you sell clothing, candles, homemade sauces or unique art, we are interested in seeing what you have to offer. In an effort to provide our guests with variety, we need every interested vendor to fill out an application for review. Thank you!


The Maret Market (formerly the flea market) will be accepting donated items to sell. Gently used books, games, and Maret gear can be donated. Drop off in the Development Office between 8:00am and 5:00pm.

Questions? Contact Chanelle Blackwell at


Students, families, friends, and alumni will showcase their talents on the Fête’s Main Stage. Performances will include jazz, country, R&B, guitars, drums, trumpets, just to name a few. Be sure to join us on Sat., May 18—come enjoy the  entertainment!

Questions? Don't hesitate to reach out.

Help Underwrite the Fête!

Various Underwriting Opportunities Available

Food and Drinks | Games and Entertainment | Materials and Equipment 

Yes, I want to help!

Chanelle Blackwell
Director of Constituent Relations