“How can we measure…equity and inclusion...student wellness...holistic student experience...admission trends...alumni well we live our mission?”

Independent schools are finding these questions harder to address in meaningful quantitative terms. Institutional Research at Maret tackles these crucial issues by leveraging school data in innovative ways, building institutional research capacity, and developing quantitative literacy throughout the community.



At Maret, institutional research is the practice of leveraging quantitative and qualitative data to evaluate and support our progress towards institutional goals.

Maret's Director of Institutional Research Eric Heilman works with our Assistant Heads of School and others on our administrative team to identify and monitor important performance indicators across the school. As reflected in our Mission, the Maret community values aspects of school life, like student wellness and equity and inclusion, that are not easily quantified by traditional measures. Through our institutional research initiatives, we work to create, monitor, and nimbly respond to innovative metrics designed to hold us accountable to the values laid out in our mission.