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Annual Fund

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What is the Annual Fund?
By design, tuition alone does not cover the cost of a Maret education. As a result, the School relies on other sources of revenue, including the Annual Fund, to advance mission priorities while keeping the school affordable and inclusive for more families. Gifts to the Maret Annual Fund have an immediate impact and account for 6% of the operating budget every year.

two students working a robotics program in after school program

Why I give:

I believe in the Maret commitment to a high quality education and thriving lives for all its community members. My gift is one way to pay forward to other young minds the gifts my children received as scholars.

Parent of Maret Alumna

The Annual Fund - Your impact

  • 25% of students receive financial aid
  • Faculty salaries and benefits in the top quartile of peer schools - allowing Maret to recruit and retain top-talent
  • Responsive, innovative, and excellent curriculum
  • Tuition lower than peer schools on average to make Maret more inclusive
  • Exceptional athletics and arts programs
  • Institutional Research at Maret to identify, monitor, and advance progress and student experience

The 2024-25 Maret Annual Fund runs through June 30, 2025.

Annual Fund Executive Committee

Stephen Cohen P '30 and '33 and Manan Trivedi P '28 and '32

Avonda Fogan ’12
Alumni Chair

Christina Hannah, P '02 and GP '37
Grandparent Committee Chair

Anne Magro, P '16
Parents of Alumni Chair    


Jen Leydig
Director of Annual Giving

Dana Tignor '99
Director of Alumni Giving and Programs

Thank you to our volunteers!