MPA General Meeting/State of the School
Volunteering at the school is a great way to get to know the community and give back to the school. Volunteers are the backbone of our fundraising efforts and the driving force behind our community events. There are opportunities for everyone—from a couple of hours of volunteering to leadership roles. You can choose a volunteer opportunity that is right for you.
Ways To Get Involved
Maret Parents Association (MPA)
MPA Volunteer Opportunities: There are so many ways to volunteer your time and talents at Maret. Check out the different opportunities below. If you are interested in volunteering, email Director of Constituent Relations Chanelle Blackwell.
After Prom Party (11th Grade Parents/Guardians)
This is an MPA-sponsored after-party for juniors and seniors on campus. There are games, prizes, and food for the students to enjoy. Typically two 11th grade parents/guardians chair this event.
Fête Champêtre
This springtime fair is the school’s oldest tradition. It happens on a Saturday in May each year on the front lawn of campus. It is chaired by parent volunteers.
Over a weekend in the fall, multiple sporting events happen on and off campus. Be sure to check the athletics calendar for the most up-to-date information and details about where to cheer on our Fighting Frogs. A parent volunteer chairs Homecoming.
Scholarship Gala
The Gala happens each year in late winter/early spring. It is the school's largest fundraiser and community event to support financial aid. There is a Silent and Live auction, dinner, dancing, and cocktails. This is a parent-only event. A parent volunteer chairs this event.
School Store
Parents and guardians are welcome to volunteer in the School Store. Tasks include selling spirit wear to the Maret community, selling school supplies to faculty and students, as well as tidying up the store (refolding, dusting, etc). An hour per week is ideal, but flexible schedules can also be arranged. If you are interested in volunteering, email School Store Manager Stephanie Zobay.
After Prom Party (11th Grade Parents/Guardians)
This is an MPA-sponsored after-party for juniors and seniors on campus. There are games, prizes, and food for the students to enjoy. Typically two 11th grade parents/guardians chair this event.
Fête Champêtre
This springtime fair is the school’s oldest tradition. It happens on a Saturday in May each year on the front lawn of campus. It is chaired by parent volunteers.
Over a weekend in the fall, multiple sporting events happen on and off campus. Be sure to check the athletics calendar for the most up-to-date information and details about where to cheer on our Fighting Frogs. A parent volunteer chairs Homecoming.
Scholarship Gala
The Gala happens each year in late winter/early spring. It is the school's largest fundraiser and community event to support financial aid. There is a Silent and Live auction, dinner, dancing, and cocktails. This is a parent-only event. A parent volunteer chairs this event.
School Store
Parents and guardians are welcome to volunteer in the School Store. Tasks include selling spirit wear to the Maret community, selling school supplies to faculty and students, as well as tidying up the store (refolding, dusting, etc). An hour per week is ideal, but flexible schedules can also be arranged. If you are interested in volunteering, email School Store Manager Stephanie Zobay.
The Annual Fund Committee is composed of parent volunteers in every grade. Annual Fund volunteers are vital to our culture of participation in giving to the Annual Fund. Committee members send emails and texts, make phone calls, and do other outreach to fellow parents to encourage giving to the Annual Fund. Our goal is 100% parent participation!
If you are interested in volunteering, email the Director of Annual Giving, Jen Leydig.
If you are interested in volunteering, email the Director of Annual Giving, Jen Leydig.
Admission Parent Ambassadors
The majority of applicants tell us they are drawn to Maret after talking with a member of our community. The Admission Office welcomes parent/guardian volunteers to join us as a PeerPal on our website, or at school fairs, the annual Open House in December, and at other recruiting events on and off campus. If interested, please email Director of Middle School Admission & Social Media Patrick Scott.
The majority of applicants tell us they are drawn to Maret after talking with a member of our community. The Admission Office welcomes parent/guardian volunteers to join us as a PeerPal on our website, or at school fairs, the annual Open House in December, and at other recruiting events on and off campus. If interested, please email Director of Middle School Admission & Social Media Patrick Scott.
Maret Parents Association (MPA)
MPA Volunteer Opportunities: There are so many ways to volunteer your time and talents at Maret. Check out the different opportunities below. If you are interested in volunteering, email Director of Constituent Relations Chanelle Blackwell
Fête Champêtre
The Fête Champêtre is a springtime fair—the school’s oldest tradition. It happens on a Saturday in May each year on the front lawn of campus. It is chaired by parent volunteers.
Thank You for Participating!
Questions? Get in touch with Director of Constituent Relations Chanelle Blackwell.